Covenant University Sustainaible

CU Waste to Wealth Initiative

Covenant University Waste to Wealth Initiative

The waste to Wealth project was inaugurated and commissioned on the 8th of October 2014 with the focus to managing the three major categories of wastes being generated in Covenant University and Canaan Land. These include Pet bottles, Paper wastes and Food wastes. The focus being to process them to reusable products.

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Medical Outreach

Free Prostrate Cancer Screening

Covenant University in conjunction with CApIC-ACE, CApTC and Beulah World Initiative offer free prostrate cancer screening to residents in surrounding communities.
This yearly event aims to enlighten and educate Ota residents on early diagnosis and treatment for prostrate cancer.

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Student Support Programs

Student Support Programs

Covenant University Student Support Program (SSP) committee is saddled with the responsibility of being the in-loco-parentis arm of the university. (Local Parents) They are to monitor the welfare and general stability of the students while on campus and this is done via a variety of programs and also by faculty and staff appointed by the university and others co-opted by the committee chair as required.

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